Friday, 7/3/09

NYT 4:46 ... LAT 2:09 ... CS 1:53 ... ND 1:53 ... WSJ 5:24 ... BEQ 2:39 ... MGWC 2:35

Sweet NYT themeless by Kevin Der. The stack of SWAZILAND/TAXEVADER/EXTREMITY is one of my favorites recently. (But will Stan's ever be topped?) Ran into a brick wall for a while in the SE corner with nothing but BLOC and OBTUSE. But I don't blame myself for the erroneous KMART, which slowed me down at the beginning. I conducted IVES's "The Unanswered Question" in college, but at the concert, the ringer violinist (from the real university orchestra, not the JV squad I was conducting) entered at the wrong time, taking the whole section with him. Fortunately, being modern music, it didn't sound that bad even though the first violins were one bar off for the entire piece.

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