Friday, 2/12/10

NYT (p) 5:01 ... LAT (p) 2:40 ... CS 1:30 ... ND 2:11 ... CHE (p) 2:27 ... BEQ 2:24 ... WSJ (p) 6:37 ... DB (p) 6:23 ... MGWC 2:34

I wasn't going to solve tonight, because I'm tired and have an early morning tomorrow. But I peeked at who had the NYT puzzle, and literally exclaimed "Holy shit!" when I saw the grid. Outstanding! Liz Gorski's got a tour-de-force in the WSJ, too.

1 comment:

Howard B said...

Same here on the reaction to the NY Times. That grid just doesn't seem like it can be filled with reasonable entries, and yet there it is.

I had more trouble with the dreaded applet lag monster than the grid itself. Took almost 25 seconds for the grid to appear, and about another 20 for it to accept the final submission. Maybe the applet was amazed by it as well? Good day to solve on paper.