Tuesday, 12/8/09

NYT 1:24 ... LAT 1:40 ... CS 2:20 ... ND 1:29 ... BT 2:43 ... TO 2:47 ... joon 4:25

When I saw what Joe Krozel had cooked up, I started solving with only the Across clues - type, Enter, type, Enter, etc. The only names I needed help with from the Downs were Diderot and country singer Bryan. Put in Sarah for Hughes out of habit, briefly forgot Resnik, and I always think Mrs. McKinley was named Ada. Can't believe I haven't learned that one by now...


Anonymous said...

:( - No one has posted anything in two weeks. (Joon: are you on vacation?) So, HELLO.

84 SECONDS on today's puzzle. I mean REALLY, that is INSANE. :) xoxo

Dan said...

Well, I haven't posted anything to respond to! When you see the puzzle you'll know why it was particularly quick for me...

You don't have to be anonymous, my readers should know what "MODF" stands for. :)

Joon said...

no, i'm here. and i even have something to post: a new themeless. go solve it! (if you do it in 84 seconds, i'll give you a dollar.)

MODF said...

OK, didn't see that as an option before (and I don't have and don't want a "Google account," and have no clue what OpenID is ...).