Tuesday, 5/1/12

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Just finished the MGWCC crossword! (See Friday comments for details.)

Wednesday, 4/25/12

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Not sure what happened tonight - I may have forgotten how to use Blogger.

Tuesday, 4/24/12

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Took me almost six months, but I finally missed an auto-post! This is back-dated for symmetry, but it actually went up two hours late. Usually I set up a week of posts at a time, but I did the last batch more than two weeks ago, because my show opened last weekend and I knew I'd be busy. Ironically, I spent a lot of the last two days... making a crossword! (gasp)

Friday, 4/20/12

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Two links this morning. I haven't been keeping up with Nathan Curtis's output, but he's been posting several different types of variety puzzles on a semi-regular basis. I'll print the lot when I get a chance. If anybody's been solving them, feel free to comment on their quality and difficulty.

And Tyler just posted an essay/rant on decreasing fill standards, which is interesting and I hope sparks some discussion. Go discuss.