Saturday, 1/5/19

Add your times here.

I've replaced the (defunct) Puzzle Society with the (new and improved!) Universal Crossword on the daily spreadsheet, though I won't be solving those going forward. Might take this opportunity to quit the L.A. Times puzzle too, except for Friday & Saturday. Also, I'm solving on a new laptop, so my Across Lite times will be sluggish for a while.


Joon said...

would you solve the universal if there were a .puz available? because there is a .puz if you know where to look. (not the sunday 21x though.)

Dan said...

Thank you! I won't solve them regularly, but could you post or email the URL where I can look?

Joon said...

the same server as the other files hosted by martin h, except with uc instead of ps or some other prefix. sorry if i'm being a little vague, as it's still not clear if we have any kind of official permission to do this.