Sunday, 3/1/15

Add your times here.

Site business:
-- Adding Devil Cross ("DC") to the Saturday template, since it's now officially a weekly puzzle.
-- Adding "NYTPB" to the Sunday template, for Patrick Berry's new mini variety puzzle in the NYT Magazine. (I'm not timing myself on the Frank Longo word game or the Wei-Hwa Huang logic puzzle.)
-- Removing Cruciverbalist at Law by Andy Kravis ("AK") because it's not on a regular schedule. We'll add a column whenever we get a puzzle.
-- Decided to continue solving the CrosSynergy Sunday Challenge, despite my public protestations. I've donated to CrosSynergy and will "borrow" the .puz file from a friend.
-- My next (AND MAYBE LAST!!??!) NYT crossword construction will appear two weeks from today! (Sunday, 3/15/15)


Joon said...

well that's exciting!

oeuftete said...

Thanks for keeping this going, Dan. Look forward to your puzzle!