Saturday, 6/20/09

NYT 6:43 ... LAT 2:18 ... CS 1:55 ... ND 5:24 ... TM 3:20

Thanks Todd McClary for another fun bonus puzzle... and for the music/theater bent to the clues! Huge problems with the NW of Brad Wilber's NYT, not knowing LEMAT (seen it before) or TENIERS (???), and with such hard clues for the stacked Acrosses. Love ya Brad, but "Was I snoring?" is not a cross-worthy phrase - I spent minutes trying to think of an actual phrase ending in SNORING.

1 comment:

Doug P said...

I got lucky on the NYT. I pulled LEMAT out of a dusty corner of my brain and then guessed ANGLOMANIA off the "M". But I needed every single crosser for TENIERS.

Can't wait to see your new puzzle!