Friday, 5/4/12

Add your times here.

Guest puzzle by Brad Wilber at - I test-solved it, so I won't chime in with a time.


Dan said...

I did the MGWCC on Across Lite for the iPad. Much less annoying to solve on it than I expected...

Jared said...

I also solve on the iPad on occasion. I'm a fan. Check out Crux if you haven't - they're another crossword solving app for iPad that is well designed and has some puzzles that aren't available for iPad Across Lite.

Dan said...

Thanks! Yeah, Crux bought me the iPad (as an ACPT bonus prize). But their app doesn't allow importation of .puz files, which is the main thing I would do with the iPad.

I have no interest in any of the puzzles sold by the apps - either they're repackagings of puzzles we've already gotten for free, or they're not high-quality or hard enough to be worth it for me.